Join us for our very first Cookbook Book Club! Tis the season for pies, so we will be featuring cookbooks for both the beginner and the expert alike. There will be a number of cookbooks focused on pies to look at and copy an interesting recipe from to surprise your holiday gathering this year. Or bring a family favorite pie recipe of your own to share with the group! We want this to be interactive and we welcome your ideas on topics, tastings, bake offs (channel your inner Mary Berry!).
This is the first meeting of a new book club here at Riverstone Books. Barbara, our store owner, and Robin, our Children's Guru, are both obsessed with cookbooks of all types. And they want to share their years of gathering obscure tomes with our customers. Of course, they also want to see your unique and interesting cookbooks if you want to share with the group!
So join us on this new exciting adventure of cooking with our Riverstone community.